Today’s episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai revolves around a major misunderstanding between Akshara and Abhinav. The couple, already facing difficulties in their relationship, struggles with communication. Meanwhile, Aarohi’s concern for Ruhi grows deeper, as she suspects something is troubling her daughter.
Table of Contents
Scene 1: Akshara and Abhinav’s Fight
The episode opens with Akshara and Abhinav getting into another heated argument. Abhinav feels that Akshara is too focused on her career and neglecting their family. Akshara, on the other hand, believes that Abhinav is too controlling and not supportive of her dreams. Their fight escalates when Akshara brings up past grievances, leaving both of them hurt.
Scene 2: Aarohi’s Worry
Aarohi notices Ruhi acting strangely and tries to talk to her. Ruhi remains quiet, which worries Aarohi even more. She suspects that Ruhi is hiding something and confides in Abhimanyu about her fears. Abhimanyu tries to ease Aarohi’s concerns, but she feels that something is seriously wrong with Ruhi.
Scene 3: Abhimanyu’s Advice
Abhimanyu, noticing the rising tension in Akshara and Abhinav’s relationship, offers them advice. He encourages both of them to have an open conversation instead of letting their emotions drive a wedge between them. Although Akshara listens to Abhimanyu, it’s clear that her anger hasn’t subsided, and the issue between her and Abhinav remains unresolved.
Scene 4: A New Challenge
The episode concludes with Akshara and Abhinav deciding to take a break from their argument, but there’s still a sense of unease between them. Aarohi’s growing anxiety about Ruhi’s behavior adds to the tension, leaving viewers wondering if something bigger is about to unfold in the coming episodes.